How do you know when the division of labor needs to be adjusted?

I got a lot of questions on my last post, specifically, how do you know when things aren’t 50-50 or fair and needed to be adjusted?

Discussing an imbalance of labor can be tricky. Because the person who’s shouldering the heavier load changes on a weekly (if not daily!) basis, it’s often hard to assess the division of labor at any given moment. Plus, bean counting “who does what” is not only petty and exhausting but also feels contrary to the spirit of a partnership.

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Are 50-50 marriages exactly 50-50?

One of my friends and I were recently discussing what success in a 50-50 partnership looks like. Does it mean that each person does exactly 50% of household work at all times? Or, that over the course of a marriage, each partner does roughly 50% of work? Is there a world in which someone could be in an equal partnership but do more or less than 50% of household labor and/or childcare?

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